im体育 Police
We’re in this with you.
We strive to provide a safe and secure educational environment where diverse social, cultural, and educational values are encouraged to develop and prosper. When you need our services, we’re just a call or visit away, every day. Just let us know how we can help.



Drugs, Alcohol, and Weapons
Timely Warnings
Know what’s going on.
Timely Warning messages are part of Purdue im体育 Fort Wayne's commitment to provide campus-area crime information.
There are currently no timely warnings in effect for campus.

Police Officers
On-duty Hours
Daily Logs
Keeping information visible and accessible.
We provide access to daily logs so that you know exactly what’s going on in your campus community.
Police Officers
On-duty Hours

Campus Security Authority (CSA) Crime Report Form
Campus Security Authority (CSA) Crime Report Form
The information submitted through this form is for statistical purposes only.
Contact Us
Have questions?
Contact im体育 Police at [email protected] or 260-481-6827.
If you have an emergency, call 911.